Cuban Cigar by BLVK Unicorn
The BLVK Unicorn brand is a leader in the premium vape juice market with a massive selection of world-class vape products. The Cuban Cigar blend from the company as part of its Tobacco series provides a distinct rendition of cuban tobacco infused with a light vanilla taste within a smooth-hitting e liquid formula.
Cuban Cigar delivers a stunning recreation of bold and robust cuban tobacco featuring a soft yet sweet vanilla addition for a soothing flavor from inhale to exhale. This blend is composed of a standard 705 VG and 30% PG formula ratio, which translates to a balance of both immense flavors and dense clouds on every hit.
BLVK Unicorn packages the Cuban Cigar flavor in a 60ml-sized unicorn style squeeze bottle available here at Vape Juice in nicotine strength options of 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg.
- Flavor Profile: Vanilla, Tobacco
- VG/PG Ratio: 70% VG / 30% PG
- Bottle Size: 60ml
- Nicotine Levels: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg
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